Welcome to District 18 Events – Covering Renton, Kent, Tukwila and Special Events through out the Area.
If you have an event you would like listed please send info/Flyer to altdcm18@area72aa.org
Greater Seattle Intergroup Picnic
lower Woodland Park Seattle Woodland Park, Seattle, WashingtonIt that time of the year for the Seattle Inter groups annual summer picnic Woodland park Seattle lower shelters 1,2,3 Picnic2019Pre
East side Pre-Assembly
Pre-Assembly – Eastside Districts 1,18, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 57 Renton Masonic Hall 505 Williams Ave S Renton, WA 98057 Sunday, August 25, 2019 10am-4pm Fellowship @ 10am Business Starts @ 10:30am Potluck Lunch from 12-12:30 Pre-Assembly-Flyer
District 18 Picnic
Phillip Arnold Park Renton Wa 720 Jones Ave, Renton, WAThe NO reason to have a Picnic, Picnic Come join District 18 for a fun time BBQ items and all the fixin’s will be provided. Please bring an item to share as well as your favorite picnic chair. 18picnic(1)
2020 Central District Pre-Confrence
New Hope Presbyterian Church 19800 108th ave se, Kent, WA, United StatesCentral Districts Pre-Conference for: BE INVOLVED… Your views, opinions, and ideas are essential. BE INFORMED… Our Area will share agenda items to be discussed at the General Services Conference. BE INSPIRED… It’s up to us to assure the AA message is carried forth for future generations who need it. 2020 Pre-Conference Flier Central
Seattle Intergroup Picnic
Seward Park 5900 Lake Washington Blvd S, Seattle, WA, United StatesJoin us at Seward Park for the Seattle Intergroup Picnic on August 27th! District 18 is in charge of setting up, so if you'd like to volunteer or have any questions about the event in general, email Beth at dcm18@area72aa.org If you are volunteering to set up, it will begin at 8am. More information about … Continue reading Seattle Intergroup Picnic
Old Kent Picnic
Wilderness Park 22500 SE 248th St, Maple Valley, WA, United StatesBurgers, Veggie Burgers, Hot Dogs, Water & Soda provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert and a camp chair.